building community defined and shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Worship With Us


Visioneers gGmbH
Sachsendamm 67-68

10829 Berlin

S-Bhf Schöneberg, S-Bhf Südkreuz

Bus: Sachsendamm/Gotenstr.


Sundays at 10:00 am

engage in community


home groups

We currently have one (English-/German-language) “home group” that is meeting on Thursdays at 6pm.

In our home group we take time to share what is going on in our lives, spend time in prayer and worship and also study of God’s Word.

(Please contact the pastor for more information.)


Children are sometimes viewed as the church of the future, but we see them as an integral part of the church, now.

We are delighted when children are present in our Sunday worship, and we try to engage them in the service with a children’s message.

We also offer “in-home” catechesis (personal training in things necessary to spiritual health: the Holy Scriptures, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.) Please contact the pastor for more details.

As our congregation grows, we anticipate developing our children’s and youth ministries.


Check back here periodically for special Christ Church services and events.

We implore you on Christ’s behalf:
Be reconciled to God.

2 Corinthians 5:20